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                                                 "I am pretty bad with geography.  I went to religious schools growing up,

                                                           and the schools emphasized religion over geography. During one of my

                                                           game plays, the game dictated me to visit Atar, Mauritania. I had no clue

                                                           where the heck Atar was!  And I did not want to announce out loud

                                                           “I need help finding Atar”, because other players might see me getting close to Atar and toss a nasty Action Card at me.  That left me reading the informational card for clues.  The info on the card talked about “The Blue Eye of Africa” and the Sahara desert.  I coyly look at the game board, and Bingo! I found Atar on the northwest side of Africa.  The game was secretly teaching me geography, and I know what the The Blue Eye of Africa is." 

Read full review on

Ava, creator of the board game 'Travel Explore Discover,'

joins Alicia Nieves on Cheddar Innovates to discuss how

she came up with the idea for this informative and 

educational board game, and how she's using the proceeds

to give back to her community.

View full Interview on Cheddar News

A 17-Year-old entrepreneur’s creative board game is inspiring kids to put down their phones and explore the world. A spark of inspiration can strike at any time. Three years ago, it struck a girl in 8th grade returning home from a trip to Morocco. As her plane was landing in San Francisco, Ava Rathenberg overheard two boys playing on their tablet computers and realized that they had no idea where they were going. “So I thought, What if I could create a game to help kids explore the world and learn more about the many different fascinating places to visit, but in a fun way, not like a schoolbook?" Read full article in Epoch Times

While Travel Explore Discover is a game about international travel, Ava found that

making the game itself was also a bit of a journey. When she began developing

Travel Explore Discover in 2017, Ava's goal was to inspire curiosity about the world

beyond our familiar borders. But now, as the COV-ID-19 pandemic upends international

travel, her game is a unique way to bring the world to families directly, right at their

dining room tables.  Read full article in Diversity in Action


Our family loves to travel and explore as much of the world as possible.

We have only been able to travel in the United States so far, however,

we love learning about other countries and places. Travel Explore

Discover is the perfect opportunity to do just that, but from the

comfort of our gaming table! The rules are actually pretty simple and

game play is straightforward as well. Fun for all ages, this educational game is great for homeschool, family game night, or testing your knowledge of places around the world.  

Read Full Review on Adventures with my Geeklings

Travel Explore Discover Global Edition is a fun, interactive board game

that is perfect for players age 6 and up. In this adventurous game,

players learn about exotic cities, visit natural and man-made monu-

ments all while learning about all the amazing things that can be found in the world. The goal of the game is for each player to plan and complete a trip based on the destinations drawn by the player. It is a game of adventure and strategy.  View full article on Daily Mom


Wonderful job, Ava!!! You are so right…“putting in the time and effort really pays off.” Too many people these days, especially young people, want to get everything with no effort on their part. If they perceive it as too hard, they don't even try. What a wasted life! Ava, you're gonna go FAR, as you've learned some valuable life lessons early. Best and blessed wishes for many more successes!!!

- Grandmasuzu2


                   "I like that it teaches you about geography & places you never knew existed."

                                                                             - Jasper P.

"I love traveling and playing games. With "Travel Explore Discover" I can do both things at once. Plus, I can help other kids that are not as lucky as me. I play the game with my family and friends an we had sooo much fun! Last time I won! Great pictures and interesting facts about the places. Maybe one day I can see them for real. San Francisco would be fun!"

- Fiona E.

"So much fun and I love that you learn something along the way!"

                                                             - Tristian B.    

My family loves this game! We have so much fun playing together. A wonderful way to learn about other cultures and lands. Did I mention the strategizing! It will test your abilities of decision making and being efficient. We are a little competitive over here ;) It's great for all ages from our 11 year old to our 87 y.o grandpa. 

- George P.

"It is a very fun way to learn to plan your trips,

and learn different cities and their features."

                                     - Karan B.                  

"We get to learn a lot of interesting trivia about

so many exciting places in the world."

                                      - Viraf P.


Our family grew up playing board games, still playing to this day. Our family also supports family-owned and family-run companies over monopolies of Amazon, WalMart, etc, so we really appreciated finding to purchase Ava’s game. Great entrepreneurial spirit, Ava!

- Keith S.

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